When buying a car, you do research on pricing, quality, warranty, features, and more. Once you figured out which car your wanting to get and if it fits your needs, you go to a dealership. There you can see how well the car operates and see all the features with a test drive. But can you demo a forklift before you buy? Just like a car, you can test drive a forklift with a demo. It’s in your best interest to do some research on the kind of forklift your company is needing. Demoing a forklift is very similar to test driving a car.  So why should you get a forklift demo?
Reasons to get a forklift demo
- This is not a small decision when purchasing a forklift. Forklifts typically cost a lot of money so purchasing them could cost you more if you aren’t careful with which one you buy.
FREE demo
- Typically, a demo is free. Meaning we deliver the forklift to your warehouse, we do the demo, and once the demo is complete, we then pick up the forklift at no cost to you.

Hands-on experience
- You and your operators are able to drive the forklift and get a feel for the equipment. Also, the operators can give you their input, since they will be the ones driving it on a day to day basis.
Try before you buy
- The forklift demo is usually several days at your location. This gives you the opportunity to use it in your daily operations.
What to expect from the forklift demo?
We come to your location with the forklift you are wanting to demo. Then, we show and tell you all the features of the forklift and answer any and all your questions about the forklift. We then do some paperwork and leave you with the forklift for a maximum of 3 days. After the third day we come back and discuss how it went and if you’re interested in purchasing it. If you want to purchase the forklift, we do more paperwork and discuss payment options. However, if you decide the forklift isn’t right for you, we discuss other options and take the forklift back with us.
If you aren’t able to demo the equipment you could always see if you can rent the equipment for a few days, weeks or months. However, renting equipment is not free, but it’s cheaper than buying the wrong truck without test driving it. Did you also know, you can demo almost any material handling equipment? Call us today for a demo and quote. The reasons are the same but the duration of the demo might very for the different types of material handling equipment.
Stay tuned for our next article next month. If you are interested in planned maintenance for a forklift contact us. Do you have a topic for an article? Comment down below.